By booking a session with LESSONing the Load, you agree to the T&Cs and privacy policy stated on this website. 

There are three forms of tuition offered by LESSONing the Load, and it is important that students/parents choose the appropriate form for their needs.

  • Webinar sessions take place live and are the most affordable way for many to access a level of tuition. Students will be able to see and hear their tutor, but their tutor will not be able to see or hear them, and learners will not be able to hear or see each other. However, the sessions are interactive with students being able to communicate with the tutor via a text box and a ‘raise hand’ button. Webinars are not designed for intense learning or in-depth preparation for exams but are incredibly useful for the development of knowledge, confidence and skills. Any learner can attend a webinar, but they are most suited to self-motivated students or those who are perhaps a little shy but want to stay academically active on a regular basis. The tutor cannot guarantee all students will receive feedback during webinar sessions but all have the chance to actively take part. If there are any materials available to complement the sessions, these will be sent within 24 hours of the session finishing to the email address used to register for the webinar, but the materials are issued for independent study and development and must not be shared publicly or with other people. Also, the tutor will not mark work completed by the students between sessions as part of the webinar fee. However, if time allows during the working week,  assessments can be set and marked for an additional fee. Please ask for further details on the marking service. 
  • Small group sessions need a minimum of 4 (evening) or 6 (daytime) students and are suitable for learners who are prepared to work alongside others and need or would like regular and individualised feedback during sessions. These sessions will be of benefit to students working towards formal assessments. During the sessions, students can see and hear their tutor and the tutor may be able to see and hear them. They may also be able to see and hear each other. The sessions are not recorded. Small group sessions also allow for students to work together collaboratively with each other, whilst being guided by the tutor.
  • 1:1 tuition is the most expensive form of tuition available. This form of tuition suits students who need intense preparation for final exams and regular in-session feedback from a tutor. Students of a naturally shy disposition will also benefit from this form of tuition as they will not be sharing the time with other learners; however, they will be able to see and hear their tutor and their tutor should also be able to see and hear them. The sessions are not recorded.

If you, the student, are below the age of 18, you will need a parent or guardian to book and agree to the T&Cs on your behalf (in these situations, it is your parent/guardian who is agreeing to abide by the T&Cs, and they must fully understand this).

If a student is home educated and/or a private candidate, it is their and/or their parents' responsibility for organising access arrangements, if required, and exam entries. It is important that they inform themselves of the procedures, deadlines and payments for these.

Students signing up for webinars will be informed on the subject booking page that by booking and paying, they (or their parents/guardians) are agreeing to the T&Cs listed here.

Students who have booked small group or 1:1 tuition must ensure a signed and dated document, agreeing to the T&Cs, is returned via email at least 72 hours before sessions can begin.

If we are working online, you accept that I cannot be held responsible if levels of confidentiality are compromised and affected by factors beyond my control. For example, the actions or failures of the platform provider (e.g., Zoom) or a family member overhearing within your home. You accept that it is your responsibility to ensure that you are not interrupted or overheard by others at your end of the connection. You must find a private place for the session (e.g. not a workplace or a public place). Also, you agree that we are working under the jurisdiction of the laws and regulations in force in England and Wales.

Anti-social behaviour will cause the immediate cessation of the session, with no refund. This includes, inappropriate or abusive behaviour and a student attending under the influence of alcohol or other mind-altering substances. 

Any complaints about services offered by LESSONing the Load must be received in writing and addressed to Allison Agar. Although the complaint may be in respect of a decision which I took, I will investigate it thoroughly. 

T&Cs for webinar sessions:

* If the individual attending the webinar is a child (below 18), please use the email address of the parent/guardian to register.

* Fees will be reviewed at the end of each academic year. You will be given at least 90 days’ notice of any change in fee.

* If a webinar session has to be cancelled at short notice for any reason, emails will be sent to all registered attendees at the first available opportunity and a notice will be posted on LESSONing the Load’s Facebook page. An alternative session will be organised if possible (registered attendees will be notified via email). If this is not possible, LESSONing the Load will either provide a refund or produce a recording of the content within 72 hours of the session’s start time and email it to all those registered for the session. This recording may be shorter than a normal session due to the lack of student interaction.

* Webinar sessions are paid for in non-refundable, half-termly blocks and by bank transfer (LESSONing the Load will provide details for payments upon request). Payment for live sessions must be made at least 72 hours before the start of the first session in the block and once payment is made, it is imperative that the following details are emailed directly to LESSONing the Load in order for the webinar link(s) to be sent out in time: name of the person who has made the payment (so that payment can be confirmed), email address to register for the session (this is where the link will be sent) and name of student who is registering for the session.

* If LESSONing the Load’s internet connection is lost at any point during a webinar session or immediately before, emails will be sent to all registered attendees at the first available opportunity and a notice will be posted on LESSONing the Load’s Facebook page. The session will be restarted immediately or an alternative session will be organised if possible (registered attendees will be notified via email). If this is not possible, LESSONing the Load will produce a recording within 72 hours of the session’s start time and email it to all those registered for the session. This recording may be shorter than a normal session due to the lack of student interaction.

* Webinar sessions take place live; however, there may be full-length recordings of sessions and/or mini recordings available for a limited time if a student misses a session for whatever reason, but it is up to the student to ask in these circumstances. Webinar recordings will not be sent out automatically after a session. The tutor cannot guarantee recordings will be available for every session, though, and if recordings are available, they must not be downloaded or saved, and they must not be shared with anyone other than registered attendees of the relevant webinar session(s).

* Webinar students should receive a confirmation email of booking within 36 hours of payment being made. If this is not received, it is crucial that they/their parents/guardians contact LESSONing the Load immediately and contact must be made at least 36 hours before the start time of the session so that this can be investigated. If a student does not attend a session because they did not receive the confirmation email and they have not notified LESSONing the Load in advance (36 hours before the start of the scheduled session), a refund cannot be given and the student will have missed the session.

* It is imperative that the correct email address is listed by the student/parent/guardian when registering for webinars. If you do not enter the correct email address, your invitation will not arrive in your inbox as an attempt will automatically be made to send it to the incorrect one. If this is not discovered in advance, you will miss your session and a refund cannot be given.

* Make sure you are ready to begin the session at the allocated start time. Sessions will begin and finish promptly, and you will be charged for the time slot you have booked. If you are late or request to finish a session early, you will miss some of your slot but still be charged the full rate.

* Sessions will be scheduled according to Greenwich Mean Time (standard UK time).

* If you, the student, are below the age of 18, a parent/guardian needs to be in the home during the time of the session in case of technical issues or concerns.

* Any resources issued are given for the use of LESSONing the Load's students only, and these resources must not, under any circumstances, be copied, reproduced or shared with anyone else (in whole or in part). Resources will be issued via email .

* The photographic/video/audio recording of sessions by students/attendees is strictly prohibited.

* LESSONing the Load cannot guarantee a particular grade or result as there are many factors that contribute to a student's success in exams. To the maximum extent permitted by law, LESSONing the Load does not accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of sessions, services or learning materials that have been issued or any errors or omissions within them.

* You must make sure you are fully equipped for all sessions: pens, pencils, stationary, calculator (if applicable), compass (if applicable), protractor (if applicable), graph paper (if applicable), square paper (if applicable), texts (if applicable), etc. You will be notified in advance about the materials you will need for each session.

* You need to be in a working environment that is free from distractions, ensuring mobile phones are turned off or are on silent (unless being used for a session).

T&Cs for small group sessions:

* You must provide LESSONing the Load with contact details (name, mobile telephone number, home address, email address). If you, the student, are below the age of 18, the contact details provided must be for your parent/guardian.

* A deposit of one week's fee is required to secure a place in a small group session.

* All small group sessions must be paid for at least 7 days in advance of the first session of the new half-term by bank transfer or standing order. The session price is the price advertised. Non-payment will be treated as a cancellation. Payment must be received for the full half-term upfront (a half-term is normally between 5-8 weeks in length) and is non-refundable as the student is securing their place for the whole half-term period and there is often a waiting list for long-term places. If a student cannot attend a session they have paid for, LESSONing the Load will contact them via email with guidance on the work that has been missed and will help them catch up via email.

* Fees will be reviewed at the end of each academic year. You will be given at least 90 days’ notice of any change in fee.

* Cancellation and rescheduling policy - if LESSONing the Load has to cancel a session at any point, a full refund will be offered (or the opportunity to reschedule the session if at all possible).

* Make sure you are ready to begin the session at the allocated start time. Sessions will begin and finish promptly, and you will be charged for the time slot you have booked. If you are late or request to finish a session early, you will miss some of your slot but still be charged the full rate.

* Sessions will be scheduled according to Greenwich Mean Time (standard UK time).

If you, the student, are below the age of 18, a parent/guardian needs to be in the home during the time of the session in case of technical issues or concerns. Students will be required to have their microphone and cameras on for these sessions.

* Sessions are not to be used for the completion of homework. If you, the student, are struggling with a piece of work, you are more than welcome to message LESSONing the Load and ask for some guidance, but this must not be during timetabled sessions. This is because all tuition sessions are planned in advance, with long term students provided with a scheme of work.

* Any resources issued are given for the use of LESSONing the Load's students only, and these resources must not, under any circumstances, be copied, reproduced or shared with anyone else (in whole or in part). Resources will be issued via email and in advance, if necessary.

* The photographic/video/audio recording of sessions by students is strictly prohibited.

* If recordings from webinars are available, they must not be downloaded or saved, and they must not be shared with anyone other than registered attendees of the relevant webinar session(s).

* LESSONing the Load cannot guarantee a particular grade or result as there are many factors that contribute to a student's success in exams. To the maximum extent permitted by law, LESSONing the Load does not accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of sessions, services or learning materials that have been issued or any errors or omissions within them.

* You must make sure you are fully equipped for all sessions: pens, pencils, stationary, calculator (if applicable), compass (if applicable), protractor (if applicable), graph paper (if applicable), square paper (if applicable), texts (if applicable), etc. You will be notified in advance about the materials you will need for each session.

* You need to be in a working environment that is free from distractions, ensuring your mobile phone is switched off or on silent (unless it is being used for a session).

T&Cs for 1:1 sessions:

* You must provide LESSONing the Load with contact details (name, mobile telephone number, home address, email address). If you, the student, are below the age of 18, the contact details provided must be for your parent/guardian.

* All small group or 1:1 sessions must be paid for at least 72 hours in advance by bank transfer or standing order. The session price is the price advertised. Non-payment will be treated as a cancellation.

* Fees will be reviewed at the end of each academic year. You will be given at least 90 days’ notice of any change in fee.

* Cancellation and rescheduling policy - if you miss, cancel or reschedule a 1:1 session with less than 48 hours’ notice, a refund will not be given. There is often a waiting list for long-term places, and if you cancel a 1:1 place at short notice, it prevents somebody else from taking the opportunity of a lesson. Also, the rescheduling of sessions cannot be guaranteed because sessions are often fully booked. If LESSONing the Load has to cancel a session at any point, a full refund will be offered (or the opportunity to reschedule the session if at all possible). If you repeatedly cancel 1:1 sessions (i.e. three or more per term), LESSONing the Load reserves the right to terminate all future lessons with immediate effect (in such a case, refunds will only be given for lessons paid for that fall outside of the 48 hour cancellation period).

* Make sure you are ready to begin the session at the allocated start time. Sessions will begin and finish promptly, and you will be charged for the time slot you have booked. If you are late or request to finish a session early, you will miss some of your slot but still be charged the full rate.

* Sessions will be scheduled according to Greenwich Mean Time (standard UK time).

* If you, the student, are below the age of 18, a parent/guardian needs to be in the home during the time of the session in case of technical issues or concerns.

* Sessions are not to be used for the completion of homework. If you, the student, are struggling with a piece of work, you are more than welcome to message LESSONing the Load and ask for some guidance, but this must not be during timetabled sessions. This is because all tuition sessions are planned in advance, with long term students provided with a scheme of work.

* Any resources issued are given for the use of LESSONing the Load's students only, and these resources must not, under any circumstances, be copied, reproduced or shared with anyone else (in whole or in part). Resources will be issued via email and in advance, if necessary.

* The photographic/video/audio recording of sessions by students is strictly prohibited.

* LESSONing the Load cannot guarantee a particular grade or result as there are many factors that contribute to a student's success in exams. To the maximum extent permitted by law, LESSONing the Load does not accept any liability for any loss or damage resulting from the use of sessions, services or learning materials that have been issued or any errors or omissions within them.

* You must make sure you are fully equipped for all sessions: pens, pencils, stationary, calculator (if applicable), compass (if applicable), protractor (if applicable), graph paper (if applicable), square paper (if applicable), texts (if applicable), etc. You will be notified in advance about the materials you will need for each session.

* You need to be in a working environment that is free from distractions and have your mobile phone turned off or on silent (unless it is being used for a session).

Thank you so much for your understanding and cooperation.

This policy was updated on 12th August 2024